Advaitha, the short film made by ace journalist Prema Malini was screened at Prasad Labs amidst packed crowds. The film happens to be the debut of Prema in which Chaitanya krishna and popular TV anchor Lasya played the leads.
Film makers Sekhar Kammula, Neelakanta, Madhura Sreedhar, 'Mallela Teeram' Rama Raju, Lyricist and writer Sira Sri and critic cum film maker Mahesh Katti have attended the screening and lauded Prema and producer Rajesh for their attempt.
The film is all about the freedom of women and their personal choices out of their needs. The short film also gives an indirect message to the media today which has been showing more interest to expose the identity of women involved in free sex, protecting the whereabouts of men.
Even the actress and ex MLA Jayasudha, singer Raghu Kunche also watched a subsequent show of the same film and appreciated the efforts of Award winning director Prema. The short film so far attracted 15000 plus views just in 2 days which proves the mettle of this short film.