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ARAMBHAM THE SHOW launches today.

Lights On…


1…2…3… Action!!!

But there is no acting here…

All facts…bold and inflammable as they always are…

Here the question bombardier Mr. Kiriti, the host of Arambham The Show is all set…

And on the hot seat, it is none other than politician, political reformer, former public administrator, columnist and the current MLA of AP, Shri. Jaya Prakash Narayan, Founder and President of Lok Satta Party.

His views, wishes, comments, statements and sentiments…what not!

A Republic day with J.P is definitely exciting!

DON’T MISS Arambham The Show…

This 26.01.2014 [i.e., Sunday] at 11 A.M…

Only on RVS Channel!
[Watch it on Youtube in ‘iQlik channel’ as well]

J.P Trailer

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