The upcoming episode of Unstoppable with NBK, featuring Ram Charan as the guest, has already created a buzz. During the episode, we hear Ram Charan share revelations about Pawan Kalyan’s son, Akira Nandan.
During the conversation, Ram Charan dropped hints about Akira’s much-anticipated debut, suggesting that Akira might make his on-screen debut in OG, directed by Sujeeth. This revelation has added to the excitement surrounding the film.
Speculation about Akira's cameo in OG has been circulating, and Charan's comments only fueled the anticipation. Akira's presence will surely bring a unique positive buzz for the project.
Interestingly, Akira accompanied Ram Charan to the Game Changer pre-release event in Rajahmundry, where he was seen alongside Charan, traveling together and making public appearances.
The full episode featuring Ram Charan on Unstoppable with NBK will premiere on January 8, 2024, on Aha Video.