Nandamuri Balakrishna’s much-awaited action drama Daaku Maharaaj has received a significant boost from the Andhra Pradesh government before its Sankranthi release. Not only that, but the film Game Changer also got approval for the ticket prices. The Chandrababu Naidu-led administration has approved a temporary hike in ticket prices for the film during the festive season.
According to the latest G.O. issued on Saturday, ticket prices for Daaku Maharaaj benefit shows, starting at 4 AM on January 12, have been capped at ₹500 (inclusive of GST). Additionally, the government has sanctioned five daily screenings from January 12 to January 25. During this two-week period, ticket prices will also see a hike of ₹135 (inclusive of GST) for multiplexes and ₹110 for single-screen theaters.
On the other hand, the midnight 1 AM benefit show ticket has been priced at ₹600 for Game Changer, while special shows at 4 AM have also been approved. The ticket price hike includes an extra ₹175 (including GST) for multiplexes and ₹135 (including GST) for single-screen theaters.
AP G.O. on Ticket Prices Hike for #GameChanger#RamCharan
— Suresh PRO (@SureshPRO_) January 4, 2025