Bigg Boss Telugu TV show is currently creating a special interest among the audiences. The show is in the eleventh week and the contestants are fighting for the title. Meanwhile, Bigg Boss introduced a new task where the contestants will have to undergo a cut in the prize money.
Keerthi vs Sri Satya
Keerthi Bhat and Sri Satya are two strong contestants who headed into a big clash after the nominations. Sri Satya even went to an extent where she imitated Keerthi which did not go well. However, Sri Satya later tendered an apology as well.
On the other hand, Bigg Boss gave a chance of immunity to the housemates, and he asked that they could come out of nominations by putting out a unique figure of money on the big ticket and it will be deducted from th prize money.
Shrihan - 1,00,000
Adi Reddy - 1,00,000
Rohith Saini - 2,51,01
Revanth - 4,99,999
Rajasekhar - 4,99,700
Sri Satya - 4,99,999
Keerthi Bhat - 4,99,999
Inaya, Marina - 4,99,998
With Shrihan and Adi Reddy coming up with same number, it did not work out. With Revanth and Sri Satya coming up with same number, it did not work out. With Inaya and Marina coming up with same number, it did not work out. Finally, Raj has come up with a unique figure and he is safe from nominations.
Final Prize Money - 45,00,300