Directed by Yeshwanth, a short film titled 'Selfish Boyfriend' released today on Iqlik Channel on YouTube. The short film revolves around an overprotective boyfriend, Harsha played by Harsha Chaitanya Attada and a Kabbadi player Megha played by Ishitha.
The short film is sweet and simple with a hard-hitting message and is an impressive take on the love stories these days. The story is all about an ambitious girlfriend and her struggle with a self-obsessed boyfriend. The male lead character is shown as a typical stereotypical husband who only cares about his happiness and completely ignores the feelings and emotions of his better half. The female lead character is shown as a strong and goal-oriented girl who can give up on anything for her passion for sports. The climax could have been better but the director showcased the story in a much more realistic way.
The actors performed decently well in their roles. The BGM is also good. The dialogues are well-written. G Surya Prakash Reddy under Adrushta Arts bankrolled this project.