
Kota Comments on Brahmi's Comedy

By - March 14, 2016 - 06:52 PM IST

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Padma Shri Kota Srinivasa Rao made some serious comments over the current comedy tracks in Telugu cinema of late especially referring to the run-of-the-mill Brahmi comedy.

He lambasted the current age directors for not exploring the best of Brahmanandam’s comic abilities but concentrating on generating comedy just out of beating Brahmi. He also remarked that films today have more slaps than comedy punches.

Well this senior actress never shies to call a spade a spade and ofcourse he spoke the truth once again. Few months an NRI lady also touched upon a similar point while talking about comedy in Telugu films. Hope the new age writers and directors are listening to Kota’s comments and wish we can see Brahmi back in action again!

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