
Mirapakai Actress into Limca Book of Records

By - February 03, 2016 - 12:10 PM IST

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Remember the actress who played as lecturer who falls for Ravi Teja in Mirapakai? And the actress who played the role of pullattu saleswoman in Sekhar Kammula’s Godavari? She is none other than Padala Kalyani who also established Adhibhatla Kalapeetham and a harikadha artist.

This actress got a unique honor of getting a part in Limca Book of records for conducting record break of harikadha performances through her organization. She performed nonstop for 114 hours 45 minutes and 55 seconds during June 20th-25th 2015 in Siddarth Nagar Community Hall, Hyderabad.

Kudos to her energy levels in performing a dying art such as Harikadha and also balancing her acting career with ease!

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