
Actress' Magic With Rewind-Play

By - November 19, 2015 - 06:02 PM IST

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We live in a world where there is only practicality and hard realities of truth. So, when anything unusual happens we find it hard to accept and believe. This unbelievable thing is called magic. This is the reason why when someone does something unusual we simply get glued to it.

Knowing this, one actress created some magic through her twitter account. She is none other than the cat eyed beauty Sneha Ullal. This pretty girl is quite active on her social media and recently she came up with a video wherein she was seen blowing a sparkler and it comes to life by sparkling.

Those who saw it at a glance almost believed it was Sneha Ullal’s magic but a closer look revealed she came up with this magic by using the rewind-play method.

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