
Best Dubbing Of The Season

By - April 10, 2015 - 10:26 AM IST

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In order to prove yourself as a successful actor, you are expected to have a range of skills and it involves exceptional diction and dialogue delivery abilities. To those heroes and heroines who cannot meet certain standards, they take the help of professionals who become their voice for the film.

That way, the field of dubbing is challenging yet exciting. Now, the filmnagar circles are saying that the best dubbing of the season has been witnessed. They say it is in the latest release S/o Satyamurthy. Apparently, the film has the most loved comedian M S Narayana who did a brief role.

After his unexpected and unfortunate demise recently, someone had to dub for M S Narayana’s voice and those who saw the film could hardly recognize it was coming from a dubbing professional and not M S himself. In case that dubbing professional is reading this then hats off to you!

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