
'Ladies & Gentlemen' Inside Talk

By - January 28, 2015 - 03:53 PM IST

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When a film is on the anvil to take the litmus test at the box office, an important indicator becomes the inside talk. This is the reason why many would be snooping around to dig some information so that it becomes useful for the distributors and also for the audience. Here is the latest addition to that list.

We are talking about the film Ladies & Gentlemen hitting the screens on January 30. The inside talk has revealed that the film is a perfect syrup for youngsters and it carries a very proportionate balance in terms of romance, comedy and entertainment. The film is produced by Madhura Sreedhar and directed by Manjunath.

The talk is that amongst all the films that Madhura Sreedhar has been involved, this is going to be his best. The songs have already caught up with the young crowds and given the cute pair of leads such as Mahat Raghavendra, Kamal Kamaraju, Nikita and others, this is going to be a rollercoaster entertainer.

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