
How Nagababu Is 'SS Megastar'?

By - September 04, 2014 - 12:27 PM IST

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Amidst all the stars of the Mega family, the man to have lesser recognition and cine success as a hero is Nagababu. Though he is not a star in reel life, he has become a star in real life and that has earned him the tag of ‘Small Screen’ Megastar. As it is, all call him fondly as ‘Mega Brother’ but here is an interesting tidbit about him.

In the small screen circuit, the highest remuneration per day is being taken by Nagababu. Many in the TV industry say Nagababu is very cordial and friendly. Above all, he is negotiable on price depending on the scope of his role, director’s talent and other credentials. If everything appeases him, then he will also do it for a lesser amount too.

Sources say Nagababu gets Rs 1 lakh per day but in many instances he has reduced that figure just for relations. When his brother Megastar Chiranjeevi was the hero, nobody took a higher remuneration than him during his peak phase and today Nagababu is the highest paid actor in the TV industry. That is why, many call him as the 'Small Screen Megastar'.

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