Vasu is the story of a young lad, Vasu (Venkatesh) who lives and dies for music. His father (Vijay Kumar) is a strict police officer who wants his son to be an IPS officer like him. One fine day his father orders him to get out of the house and when he was about to leave. He sees a girl, Deepti (Bhumika) entering their house. Vasu returns back to the house promising to leave music but secretly continues music and wooing her. Rest of the story is all about if he is successful in his career and love.
The music album of the movie is a chartbuster and there are super expectations on the movie before the release. But the movie failed to strike chord with audience after the release and remained as a flop.
This is the one and only combination of Venkatesh and Karunakaran.
This is the first time Trivikram penning dialogues for a Venkatesh film. Later on the films in their combination went on to become classics in comedy.
Vasu was one of the most successful audios of Venkatesh in those days. Two lakh audio cassettes were sold in the first four days of the audio release.