Childhood friends Karthik (Nani), Vishnu (Karthik) and Revathi (Nitya Menon) live in a slum. Karthik and Revathi love each other and Vishnu falls flat for a prostitute Vani (Bindu Madhavi). To save her from prostitution racket, Vishnu needs money. He persuades Karthik in to illegal activities, one day both get trapped in a drug peddling deal. What happens after that? What are the twists and turns that take place forms the story?
Nani scored a big hit in 2011 with “Ala Modhalaindhi”. He had got decent amount of following in audience after that movie. Nani pinned high hopes on Sega, the dubbed version of Tamil movie, Veppam. But the movie failed to make a mark at the box office.
The Tamil version of the movie, “Veppam” had fetched Table profits for the makers but the Telugu version bad fetched losses for the buyers here.
Even though, the movie did not do well at the box office, it had received good critical acclaim. Nani won the ‘Vijay Award’ for the best debut actor in Tamil that year.