The story is a tale of six different people Anand (Navdeep), NRT (Nikhil Siddharth), Meghana (Kajal Agarwal), Noori (Bindu Madhavi) Anjali (Aditi Sharma) and Reddy (Murali Mohan). Anand is software engineer and wants to settle down in life. In this process he meets Anjali. Meghana is college going student who love RJ Maddy (Madhavan). NRT is an aspiring actor in film industry and is an ardent fan of hero Ravi Teja. Noori is married woman and her brother Baba plots to plant bombs in the city in the name of distruction. Reddy is a farmer and believes in agriculture but his son wants to sell the land and migrate to city. Later Reddy dies and his wife comes to city in search of his son. The rest of the story is how these six stories come across each other at an incident.
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