Hanumanthu (Srihari) lives in a remote village called Nagulakonda with his Grandmother (KR Vijaya). He falls in love with Satyavathi (Madhu Sharma) who wants to contest for Miss Andhra. So she along with Hanumanthu moves to Hyderabad to participate in beauty competitions. In a strange situation Hanumanthu meets Krishnamurthy (Pradeep Rawat) a freedom fighter who can influence the government. Hanumanthu also meets Seetharamaiah (Vijay Chander) and then it gets revealed that Hanumanthu’s father was killed by Hanumanthaiah (Srihari) a freedom fighter. How Hanumanthu takes revenge on Krishnamurthy forms the rest of the story.
The movie met with mixed reviews. Although the storyline was routine, Srihari’s freedom fighter character was highly praised by critics. Overall the movie settled as average grosser at box office. But the movie fared well in B and C centers.
This is Srihari’s first movie as producer. But Srihari’s wife Disco Shanti was given credit in the titles.
Lawrence choreographed and made a cameo in a song in this film.
Madhu Sharma paired with Srihari for the first time.
New girl Piny Sarkar made her Tollywood debut with this film.
The movie’s storyline resembles Victory Venkatesh’s ‘Subhas Chandra Bose’ movie.