Guna Sekhar made his directorial debut with Laati in 1992 starring Prashanth but the movie failed miserably at the box office and pegged back Guna’s career. After a break of 3 years, he came back with Sogasu Chooda Tharama starring Naresh and Indraja. The movie deals with concept of little mistakes between husband and wife leading to big problems and women empowerment. The movie did not do well commercially but is treated as one of the classics in Telugu Cinema. In 1997, he attempted Bala Ramayanam with all child characters. The movie paid off very well in those days and it is also the debut of Junior NTR as a child artist.
1998 was a landmark year in Guna Sekhar’s career. He got to direct Megastar Chiranjeevi in Choodalani Undhi. The movie went to become a smashing hit and from then there is no looking back to him. But Guna did not get bogged down in commercial cinema. He attempted a film on Terrorism and love, Manoharam starring Jagapathi Babu and Laya as his next film. However the film also disappointed him commercially despite getting critical acclaim. The next year, 2001 has even bigger bad memories in store for him. He once again got to direct Chiranjeevi in Mrugaraju. The film released amid huge hype but ended as a big disaster.
When everyone predicted the end of Guna Sekhar with Mrugaraju failure, he bounced back in 2003 with Mahesh Babu’s Okkadu. The film was the biggest hit in Mahesh career since then. It also gave him the required mass image he is craving for. Mahesh Babu was very impressed with Guna and gave him two more chances. Arjun in 2004 ended up as an average but Sainikudu in 2008 was a big disaster and almost pushed Guna Sekhar’s career on to the ventilator.
Since then Guna is trying to make a comeback. He got to direct Allu Arjun in Varudu and Ravi Teja in Nippu only to taste defeat once again.
As Producer:
After the debacle of Nippu, Guna Sekhar started his own production house, Guna Team Works banner and is producing his Rudramma Devi film for the first time.