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A star who truly stands out in the galaxy of several others. An epitome of simplicity, whose names range from Superstar to Talaiva(Meaning King). He’s probably the only one who could be loved even as a numb ROBOT. Do I need to give more intro about this sole hero? Super star Rajnikanth won billions of hearts round the globe and set standards of his own. Everybody is well aware of how he grew from a bus conductor to a star. But, iQlik movies.com takes you to those days of Rajni, when he struggled hard playing dual roles of a bus conductor and a part time actor.

Born in a middle-class family in Banaglore, Rajni was a good student, but like many, he too had to give up his studies to support his family finances. He got married to Latha and with his encouragement she started up a very basic school called ASHRAM. Rajni used to take care of the school in the morning and after school, he used to work for Bangalore Transport Corporation as a Bus Conductor. Talent can’t be wrapped and stored above the racks. And an immensely talented person like Rajni can’t be hidden for too long from discovering. His style of whistling, ticket crunching fetched him a huge fan following. Raj Bahaddur, Rajni’s colleague needs a special mention here, who encouraged the actor in Rajni. He supported him morally and financially and with his support, Rajni along with school and bus service, also used to participate in various plays and dramas at a film institute. That helped Rajni in shaping up himself as an actor and he eventually became the destiny of Indian cinema.

Against all odds, he stood as a pillar of inspiration for many. While practicing acting, he never quit his job or never gave any excuses to quit. His bus route was No.10, between Majestic and Sri Nagar/Hanumanth Nagar. Many celebrities usually tend to forget their past and move on to stardom, but Rajni never fails to acknowledge what he once used to be. He was a very poor man and actually used to carry luggage on his shoulders for 50 paise! Really an unbelievable tale of inspiration. Hats off to Talaiva!


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