Dear Viewers,
Piracy is by far the biggest #1 enemy that has been haunting the movie and entertainment industry for several decades. September 22, 2013 can be marked as a “BLACK DAY” where piracy has reached to extreme heights and a big star movie has been released in the black market in the form of DVD’s and the same was leaked on the internet. This is a pathetic event and a complete disaster to the Film Industry.
After all, we need entertainment end of the day and let us take an oath to stop piracy and save many lives that are dependent on this industry that has been entertaining us for 100 years.
So what can we do together to stop this mold creeping the internet and the CD/DVD black market? Now is the time to ACT and join hands with iQlik Movies for a good cause.
iQlik Movies has formed an ANTI-PIRACY FORCE and is requesting all viewers to report any current or future illegal pirated activity to [email protected] (CD’s, Download Links, YouTube and other Social Media Channels etc.).
The user credentials will be kept confidential and it is our commitment to report all fraudulent activity to the relevant channels & bureaus.
So let us not wait anymore …. the change starts with you.
Let us make a difference.
Thank you,
iQlik Anti Piracy Force Team