There was so much of buzz in the film fraternity along with movie goers when Ram Charan was casted for the lead role in Zanjeer. The original film featuring Amitabh Bachan in the lead was a sensation during the 70s and fetched a great name for the legendary actor. Everybody started feeling that Ram Charan got the time of his life with a golden opportunity of essaying the character of Big B and he would make a reat foray into Bollywood which his predecessors like Chiranjeevi, Nagarjuna or Venkatesh couldn’t attain during the 90s. The film was a simultaneous make in Telugu as well with the title “Toofan” which featured Srihari in the negative role.
When the filming work was finished and the first promo of the title song “Mumbai Ka Hero” was released, people were flabbergasted seeing Ram Charan in the cop attire. Another additional attraction was Priyanka Chopra acting opposite Ram Charan. People absolutely fell in love in the first sight for the beat, oomph and styling of the song. The vigor, the dialogues, the rustic action episodes and the glitzy dance steps of Cherry in the trailer startled the audience and not only fans but everyone waited eagerly for the release of the film.
When the filming work was finished and the first promo of the title song “Mumbai Ka Hero” was released, people were flabbergasted seeing Ram Charan in the cop attire. Another additional attraction was Priyanka Chopra acting opposite Ram Charan. People absolutely fell in love in the first sight for the beat, oomph and styling of the song. The vigor, the dialogues, the rustic action episodes and the glitzy dance steps of Cherry in the trailer startled the audience and not only fans but everyone waited eagerly for the release of the film.
When the big day of the film’s release approached, the political conditions in AP turned the tables upside down. Just when the Samaikyandhra Movement started seeping up, the immediate victim was Tourism Minister Chiranjeevi’s son Ram Charan’s film Toofan. The screening of the film was stopped in many areas in Seemandhra and even in the places where the film was released, it faced terrible disappointment. Lack of content and poor characterization of the villain played by Prakash Raj, a flimsy storytelling, smoke taking over meat (like in a potato chips packet) led the film to the path of disaster. The director couldn’t get the presentation well and Ram Charan’s performance was mercilessly criticized by all the reviewers- in both the versions!
Releasing amidst such huge expectations and ultimately bombing at the box-office made the film one of the biggest DISASTERS OF THE YEAR.
Releasing amidst such huge expectations and ultimately bombing at the box-office made the film one of the biggest DISASTERS OF THE YEAR.
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