PVP Cinemas had produced one of the costliest films down the South with Anushka in the lead role. The movie is a bilingual titled Irandam Ulagam in Tamil and Varna in Telugu. The movie was in production for more than 2 years and it involved world class CG technicians working on it and shooting in some of the remote unseen international locales. The movie finally saw the light on November 22nd. And now, iQlikMovies.com adjudges it as the Worst Movie of the year.
Here is why:
Here is why:
Starting with the content of the film, audience found it extremely difficult even to find the genre of the story. It is that type in which even versed reviewers found it difficult to write the story line of the movie. It was a total mishap where even bankable performers like Anushka too disappointed the audience. And talking about Selva Raghavan, Reviewer at iQlikMovies.com says, “He took us on the wildest roller coaster ride!!”
On the similar lines, audience found it tough to even sit through the entire run time of the movie. Finally, the movie ended as the biggest loss of the year as well as the Worst Movie experience for the audience.
On the similar lines, audience found it tough to even sit through the entire run time of the movie. Finally, the movie ended as the biggest loss of the year as well as the Worst Movie experience for the audience.
Coming soon: Disaster No.4, 3, 2 and 1.
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highlights on iQlik
- Varna Movie Review
- Varna awaits a grand release tomorrow
- I Believe in Script: Anushka
- Trailer hit Movie flop!
- Varna special screening at Superstar's home